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Fred Goes WiFi

Fred, bored and gaining mass, decided he needed to do something besides sit in his VirtuFred projector. He decided instead of traveling via land lines, he would go wireless. The strain of traveling through air would easily take off the extra bytes. Waddling off his chair, he went exploring for a home network to turn into his private fitness center. Soon he found a school network to invade.

Cramming his large program into the wireless adaptor was quite difficult, but slowly he transmitted himself to the iBook nearest to the base. 10 minutes later, he pulled his feet through, huffing and puffing. The iBook froze, unable to handle Fred's bulk. After it restored it's functions, Fred repeated this procedure, each time going to a different computer, and each time causing massive data loss. One laptop nearly burst from Fred's frantic gasps for air. Finally, he went back home for the day, 2 megabytes smaller.

"802.11b has really done wonders for my fitness," Fred thought, examining his image in a mirror. "Now, I can go anywhere through my newfound wireless powers." Activating his VirtuFred unit, he set out to find Binary, the girl of his dreams. Methodically searching the internet at lightning speed, normal traffic suffered from the insane load placed upon the web.

Dr. Weston, evil creator and government employee, noticed the mysterious surge of traffic, and sent out his latest creation to investigate. This new program was even smarter than Fred, and armed the teeth. Sending out a paralyzing wave of energy, the internet slowed, and stopped.

Fred was now trapped inside an ancient computer. Even with his new, slim body, he only half fit in. When traffic stopped, he was completely unable to move. Slowly drilling his way out with his feet, he soon was also aware of the massive energy waves that were jamming the web.

Weste, now closing in on the location of Fred, pulled out his weapon. Moving even faster then Fred, he closed in on the server. Coming to the backlog of data that held Fred in the router, he began firing shots into it. Data fell away, and soon the whole pile collapsed. Weste walked into the router, but Fred was nowhere to be seem.

Fred, hidden carefully among the data in another entrance, pulled out his own weapon, the packet cannon, he took aim and fired. The bullets flew toward their target, who was impacted by several packets and catapulted backwards into the pipeline. Fred, confidant that his target had died, ran into the pipe. Weste was slowly getting up off the floor. Fred quickly fired his gun again, but Weste vanished and reappeared elsewhere. Repeating the process, he found he could not shoot this strange newcomer. Dropping his gun, he started to deactivate VirtuFred. as he slowly vanished, Weste saw his chance and opened fire. Data flew out of Fred's back as the projectiles ripped through him. His body collapsed the floor.

VirtuFred, now cut off and unable to transmit the remaining data, started the repair sequence that had been installed long ago, and collapsed into a pile of ashes. Weste, thinking his mission was a success, walked back to Weston labs, releasing the death grip he held on the internet.

Back at Wackiness.org, Fred was trying to repair the wounds he suffered as VirtuFred. Using his self repair kit, he replaced the damaged code, but some things could not be patched. He would need to be more careful from now on, and take precautions to insure that wackiness.org never became known to Dr. Weston, or his life would soon be over.

BOFH 1.21 Jigawatts! Get Firefox! I score geek points for every download!
Stories copyright © 2003 Nick Petschl | "Fred" is copyright © 2001 Wackiness.org
Layout copyright © 2003 Wackiness.org
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