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E. Is Rather Unstable, In Fact.

Fred was on the trail of the man who framed the fun monster, accusing his so hideously that he became known as the fun blame monster. The fun monster was out to clear his name, and step one was getting rid of that accursed blame. The nature of the blame was unknown, though rumors stated it was due to a small sample of E. becoming unstable, killing most of Menomena in the process.

Despite being the devil-porter for Menomena, Fun Monster also was thane of space. Thaines of space are strange creatures. They employ child labor to pay for their thaneage, but really only desire to become that almighty position, the one where Krangkore's weapons would have no effect on you, Prince of Space. Anyhow, Fun, formerly blame, Monster, was being framed for hideous crimes, at risk of losing ownership of space, and references to assorted bands and movies flying over the heads of the masses.

To boot, Fun Monster was participating in the infamous, International Rejection Awareness Week. Mr. Monster was trying to weave a web of inexplicable references to modern culture, he was going to have a wardrobe malfunction. Believe you me, Monsters with wardrobe malfunctions are a hideous sight.

Anyhow, Fred was on the case now, simulating the deadly explosion of E. that killed 3 members of a band. Using futuristic Holodeck technology, Fred watched every second of the explosion several times. Finally he noticed something suspicious. A shadow, with no body attached, stood over the box of E. As the band played on, the shadow, which was suspiciously Flag Guyesque, shoved a pole into the box of E. Minutes later, the E. exploded, taking out the whole building. The shadow left, got into a car filled with pro Republican stickers, and left. Fred began to search the Internet for an address on such a car.Hours later, Fred, armed in full robot gear, stood outside the house of The Flag Guy

The Flag Guy was a strange man, who went from street to street, America, Israel, and anti-UN flag in tow. His doorstop was tainted with E., Fred noted, lowering one hand to the gun holstered in his leg. Internal Leg holsters were all the rage on slashdot lately, and Fred didn't want to be left behind the times. Guns appeared out of both his legs and arms, ready to duke it out with Flag Guy. The door opened, and out stepped a Flag Guy, flags in tow. Fred began to shoot, but Flag Guy was too quick. Fred found himself hypnotized by the swirling stars of America, and my weren't those Weapons Of Iraq moved to Liberia now and shouldn't we take the right action and go get them. One by one the binary circuits added digits, until Fred was a full septa-decimal right wing mind-slave. All right wing mind slaves run septa-decimal processors, you see. Anyhow, Fred had been brain washed by the treacherous Flag Guy, and his old restore programs didn't much like running in septa-decimal. Fred began to format his hard drives, preparing to install Microsoft Windows (tm) onto his body. the FredBot would not function under such conditions, but logic was no longer in charge of Fred. Copyrights and Lawsuits overwhelmed the logicboards, RAM became strangely predictable, motors began to try to get the other motors to do their work for them, power was distributed exclusively to the rich, and the whole system fell apart. Democracy is not conductive to running an efficient robot.

FredBot collapsed to the ground, paralyzed by a new internal economy, put in by the treacherous Flag Guy. The virus spread like wildfire, with only the unbreakable reset drive intact. Fred needed another person to come and push the button, and soon.

Luckily, Binary had not been inactive since her rescue. The strangely attractive-for-a-robot Binaratrice robot ran up to Fred, and broke the glass in front of the reset button. She pushed it in, and the septa-decimal circuits began to go back to their usual 1s and 0s. soon Fred had restored all normal functions, and he and Binary had a score to settle against Flag Guy, and Fun Monster was still seeking an admittance of non-guilt. Fred pulled out a Cluster Grenade and lobbed it into the house of Flag. Binary ran for cover, while Fred curled up into a nice little ball. As the house was consumed in the time slowing effects of the Cluster Grenade, Fred ran into the house. Fred acquired several samples of E., Flag Guy, and got out before the time-stop wore off, and the grenade exploded, Cluster style.

Fred managed to talk the police into trading the Fun Monster for Flag Guy, and also managed to draw out the unstable causing middle line of E., replacing it with a sigma-esque molecule. E. would never explode again, and Fred and Binary rode off into the sunset together, eagerly awaiting the valentines day satire that was due to arrive anytime now.

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Stories copyright © 2003 Nick Petschl | "Fred" is copyright © 2001 Wackiness.org
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