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Fred -Outwit- Outdance - Out0wnze.

Fred, short on funds for adding unto the Fredbot, which had been broken for many a week, almost as long as the time between this story and the last one, needed a job, and fast. However, jobs were scarce, and internet jobs were scarcer. He needed a down payment sort of job, so he could actually preform it. Days of internet searching turned up nothing, save the next survivor TV show.

Fred, in his foolish, cabin-fever induced stupor, applied to be the next survivor. His chances of being accepted were low, but they would give him 10,000 dollars if he scored the job.

By some masterful chance of fate, and for purposes of getting Fred back into the real world for hilarity with woodland creatures, Fred was chosen for survivor: Deep Space Nine. He fixed up the FredBot, and arrived at CBS studios within 24 hours.

CBS studio representatives were upset over the triggering of their alarm systems by FredBot, but a quick flash of his "Implant VIctim" and propmtly gained much sysmpathy. His rivals in Deep Space Television making were a a crank old guy, Dr. Collusus, and a mysterious radio commentator known only as Dark Star. Mr. Star yelled about car dealerships, the need for the Viking's to get a decent defence, and moe. Dr. Collusus was mostly dead, to save on income taxes, and therefore couldn't win the grand, million dollar prize, whci hwas assuredly quite grand. The losers would be ejected into space, and their hilarious, zero gravity death sequencies were expected to break all known records of violance on live TV.

The crank Old Guy was hated by all, as he was both unattractive and unamusing, the kiss of death on reality TV, where joke cracking hotties are the norm. This is opposed to the world of Fred's Internet, where the only girls were in porno flicks that Fred shied away from.

Fred also shied away from most people in general, which would cost him a million dollars in he very near future. Despite his best acting efforts, people found a crank old guy and Dark Star more amusing then a joke ckracking robot. Even the dead guy had a higher approval rating. Fred was forcefully escorted into the airlock by CBS NeoNazi guards, and shot out into space.

The Fredot is a remarkable piece of engineering. It is estimated that a suit with such strength as Fred's could survive re-entry into earth's atmosphere, then land on a major land mass.

Fred flew in the general direction of earth. He was supposed to be dead by this point, but he didn't let that bother him. Fred began his preperations of rentry to Earth. Curling into a tiny ball, covering himself in The Shield, a recent invention designed to shield tiny balls from high temperatures, and braced for impact.

CBS cameras eargly followed Fred's progress, hoping that their ultimacool death sequence was merely delayed. Fred, aware that his death must be faked, decided to drop a light explosive as he fell to Earth, breaking every bone he had, which was zero. His mithril shielding endured the intense heat without incident, and soon he dropped his thermonuclear device behind him.

The thermonuclear device is a tool not to be used lightly. Its thermal properties contribute more to entropy then a nation of 2 year olds, and its nuclear properties ensure the destruction and alchemic conversion to latnium of all nearby atoms, where nearby means in the same gigapetschimeter radius. Gigapetschimeter are relative to gravity fields and the vicinty of woodland creatures, but generally are very large. However, due to the quick thinking NeoNazi guards of CBS, who decided Drama would be added by shooting everything in sight, the bomb merely exploded in a thremanuclear explosion, which caused little permenant harm but ruined extended forcasts across the world. Fred continued on his shielded freefall, and son crashed into the Ageagan Sea. A massive spout of water appeared at his impact point, which caused sufficent atmospheric chaos to change the weather back to the forcast patterns. Fred had once again shocked the world with his antics, and fixed the FredBot while he was at it. He hopped in his stolen police car and headed back to his desolate Texan Factory, there to rest his weary body and mind with many a computer game.

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Stories copyright © 2003 Nick Petschl | "Fred" is copyright © 2001 Wackiness.org
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