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Fred 0wnzes the l33t Zone

Fred was back into the web, where be belonged, and he was bored out of his mind. Snood can only be played so many times before you get deadly sick, and start seeing everything as a Snood. Fred left his home, and panicked, as a wall of Skull Snoods rained down on him. In a confused haze, he started running through the Internet, hoping to escape his nightmare.

Not even looking where he was going, Fred stumbled into a strange portion of the Internet. People spoke in strange contractions, numbers substituted for letters. All around him, people wondered about with massive weapons. Fred had entered the l33t z0n3.

Fred's superpowers were of no assistance to him here, these polygonal aliens were just as fast as he was. Highly refined gamers were now in a rush to kill Fred, as he was unarmed and appeared as another gamer. Contorting his body to dodge the bullets, he started running for the exit. The exit had moved, taking up residence on the far end of the hall. Fred would have to fight his way through the mess. Pulling out the most powerful weapon he had in the digital world, the legendary packet cannon, he began clearing a path.

However, the people guarding the path to the door were quite strong. Rounds from the packet cannon had little effect in the l33t zone, and he had nothing stronger to shoot. Desperate, he tried his personally coded weapon, the Magnum UDP. Shoving shells into the barrel, he fired a shot at a nearby sniper.

In a massively bloody explosion, the sniper died from a shot to the head from the Magnum. "Head Shot!" a mysterious voice yelled. On a giant scoreboard, Fred's name appeared with a 1 next to it. Grabbing the sniper rifle from the flames, Fred continued towards the door.

Hours later, soaked in many colors of blood, laden with guns, rockets, and even a blow gun, Fred had reached the exit. He was now at the top of the scoreboard, with several hundred kills without being killed. 25 people were chasing him, hoping to kill the unkillable Fred for a "Most Ludicrously Awesomely l33t kill ever!" award, and all the Internet fame that would follow. The UDP Magnum's barrel was warped from the stress of firing so many rounds, and Fred discarded it, and pulled out a pair of grenades to cover his exit.

Running from the exit, which was now on fire, Fred started running towards his home. As he walked through his door, he was surrounded by l33txx0rs, who had tracked him there. Fred shot two of them, and the rest decided he was unkillable. They all ran out, and Fred decided he must fake his death. Locking up wackiness.org tightly, he entered the VirtuFred unit.

Picking up the weapons dropped by his attackers, Fred made a beeline back to the combat zone. Rasing an awesome battle cry, he began to empty his machine guns. After drawing much attention, he dropped a grenade and shutdown the VirtuFred projector.

As the empty shell of VirtuFred collapsed in a hail of bullets, the announcers voice awarded multiple "Hyper high sweetness kills." Fred would now have some piece of mind, and would stay away from... the l33t z0n3.

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Stories copyright © 2003 Nick Petschl | "Fred" is copyright © 2001 Wackiness.org
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